View Full Version : European History 101

10-24-2008, 10:43 PM
Attention class, Mrs. Nakayama, your beautiful, talented, coordinated teacher with a D-cup has arrived! And if you saw that fantasy, you were obviously sleeping in my class and you get a detention!

European History was the first AP course I took in high school and it really shocked me into reality. I used to be the kind of person who could do little to no work in all my classes and still get all A's. And then I got an F on my first test. So I really buckled down and managed to escape with an A.

I'm pretty knowledgable on the time period from Hundred Years War, all the way up to the end of the Cold War between America and the USSR.
My main areas of expertise are the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, but I've retained enough knowledge that I'm sure I could be of some help to anyone who has questions.