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Conversation Between Angelty78 and Lady-Shiroi
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. Angelty78
    04-23-2009 10:24 PM
    Poke ^_^ how you doing?
  2. Lady-Shiroi
    04-18-2009 08:56 PM
    I'd say we visit it around the same amount
  3. Angelty78
    04-18-2009 12:36 PM
    I visit this site less often then you do
  4. Lady-Shiroi
    04-03-2009 09:07 AM
    I visit about once a day, sometimes more, but that's seldon^^
  5. Angelty78
    03-29-2009 09:03 PM
    same here, But I don't go this site very much
  6. Lady-Shiroi
    03-29-2009 11:29 AM
    You didn't need to introduce yourself. The nick and avatar are speaking for itself
    Through indeed, it's nice to meet onone of the sister sites^^
  7. Angelty78
    03-29-2009 06:17 AM
    hi there lady Shiroi nice you meet you on this site for the first time (angelty from

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