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Conversation Between Chosha Kurohyou and Noah Scape
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. Noah Scape
    12-06-2011 12:15 PM
    Noah Scape
    You are welcome, lololol
  2. Chosha Kurohyou
    12-06-2011 12:08 PM
    Chosha Kurohyou
    Volume was louder than I expected....that was an excellent way to wake myself up......
  3. Noah Scape
    12-06-2011 04:20 AM
    Noah Scape

    Go to your User CP and scroll to the bottom, on the left there is a Request Username option
  4. Chosha Kurohyou
    12-06-2011 04:07 AM
    Chosha Kurohyou
    Yay! It works!!!!

    I'll actually do stuff tomorrow, in between collapsing.

    And how do I change my name? I'm kinda failing....-.-

    Also, I will be stealing those cookies. Or you could just hand them over....
  5. Noah Scape
    12-06-2011 03:22 AM
    Noah Scape
    Welcome to AA.

    Please leave all sanity at the door and don't steal my cookies.

    Enjoy your stay.

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