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Advice for New RolePlayers
Old 10-16-2008, 05:08 AM   #1
Bishi Boy
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Default Advice for New RolePlayers

Hello, and welcome to the Anime Ai Roleplaying Realm. I'm Fusu and I thought that I'd give the newcomers some advice by copying Lakot's advice thread from another forum. With only a few minor tweaks.

1: Remember, you're among freinds.

You've found a group of people who have the same interest as you. No one is going to attack you for an Rp. If they do I'll get them for you. ^_-;

2: Start small.

Don't jump right into a long, established Rp. Start off with a small, private Rp between you and other person, so you can figure out just what you want to do with a character. It's one of the best ways of getting started instead of saying, "Can I join?" Send in a request through a private message.

3: Talk to people.

We're not going to bite your head off. It's good to start Rp'ing with someone who's got experience, as they can evaluate on how you're doing and give you helpful advice.

4: Punctuation, grammar, spelling, etc.

Most of us aren't going to go crazy over you for having a few typoes and what-not, but it generally helps a lot to have some proper punctuation, grammar, spelling, format, and all the good stuff.

Things like: "lol, an dseh wen down teh hil lto pic up teh ball" (I know, bad example) can get annoying and confusing.

Also, I'm sure most people would appreciate if you had proper paragraph format because it can get hard to read things that are all scrunched up together and is basically like one, long continuous sentence with a few periods and whatnot in between. Having atleast a line between each paragraph is quite helpful and not annoying.

We're not trying to be grammar nazis, we don't care for the occasional typo, mis-spelling, and wrong grammar. We just don't want it constantly.
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