For those who want to know how to get mIRC and need help getting on.
1. Go to and download a copy of mIRC 6.31 from any of the servers on the page (1.65mb download)
2. Run the installation program - when prompted ensure "Full Installation" is selected from the dropdown list.
3. At the end of the installation program either tick "Run mIRC" before clicking finish or run the program from your start menu.
4. When the program runs you will get a popup (see attachment 1 above) saying that this is an evaluation copy and will expire in 30 (or less) days. Simply click "continue" and don't worry too much about registering as you can continue to use the software with no limitations indefinitely once the trial period is over.
5. You should get a popup window displaying something similar to attachment 2 (see above). DO NOT ENTER YOUR REAL NAME! Anyone online on the irc network can see this information. The same with your email - none of these are ever checked. Enter anything you like in those two boxes. Then enter two nicknames you wish to use (I normally use "Fusu" and "Futs" - that way is one is already in use you will automatically use the other and everyone still knows who you are)
6. Next click on the "servers" link (see attachment 3 above) and click Add. the new server your are adding has the description AnimeAi the IRC Server is and the port is 6667.
7. Finally click the connect button (highlighted in attachment 4 above) and if everything goes to plan you will connect the AOTK server.
8. Once connected type "/join #animeai" in the box at the bottom and you will join the channel.
9. To change your nickname at any time type "/nick NEWNICKNAME" in any normal text entry box.